Alumni and Giving
2022 Launch Party Tree Planting

Alumni and Friends - Welcome to the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation's alumni web portal. This resource will link you to university and college alumni events and information. Our alumni are practicing their professions all over the world and are an ongoing and important part of our community.
Gifts from our clients and friends have a direct impact on the quality of learning, discovery, and engagement programs that the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation offers. We invite you to become part of our team! To make a tax-deductible contribution, visit or send your check, payable to the Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc., to: Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, 313 Cheatham Hall (0324), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
For further information on memorial giving, endowed professorships, gifts of securities, planned or deferred giving opportunities, or other contributions, please contact the CNRE Advancement Officer, 540-231-5525, or send an e-mail to