Anja Whittington
Anja Whittington

- B.S. University of New Hampshire (1997)
- M.S., University of Maine (2001)
- Ed.D. University of Maine (2005)
- Outdoor/adventure education
- Inclusion in the outdoors
- Social science
- Inclusive practices in recreation, girls’ and women’s experiences in the outdoors
- Benefits and outcomes of adventure programming, youth development
- Long-distance backpacking
- Whittington, A. (2023). Developing noncognitive college readiness skills at camp: Long term impacts. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership.
- +Whittington, A., Armentrout, J., & Raymond, J.E. (2023). Outdoor participation and spending trends in Virginia: How much is too much? Virginia Social Science Association Journal, 56, 26-40.
- Whittington, A., & Pelletier, T. (2021). Women in field science: Challenges, strategies and supports for success. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 27(6), 59-83. doi:10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.202103573
- Garst, B., & Whittington, A. (2020). Defining moments of camp experiences: An exploratory study with early adolescents. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 12(3), 306-321. doi: 10.1866/JOREL-202-V12-I3-10109
- Whittington, A. (2019). Outdoor careers and motherhood. [Special issue]. Journal of Experiential Education, 42(1), 79-92. doi: 10.1177/1053825918820354
- Whittington, A. (2018). Career development of outdoor students in higher education: Comparing methodologies. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 10(3), 253-255. doi: 10.18666/JOREL-2018-V10-I3-8191
- Whittington, A., & Garst, B. A. (2018). The role of camp in shaping college readiness skills and building a pathway to the future for camp alumni [Special issue]. Journal of Youth Development, 13(2), 105-125. doi: 10.5195/jyd.2018.519
- Whittington, A., & Aspelmeier, J. (2018). Resilience, peer relationships, and confidence: Do girls’ programs promote positive change? Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 10(2), 124-138. doi: 10.18666/JOREL-2018-V10-12-7876
- Whittington, A., & Aspelmeier, J. (November/December 2017). Developing resilience in girlsthrough camp experiences. Camping Magazine. Retrieved from
- Whittington, A., Garst, B., Gagnon, R., & Baughman, S. (2017). Living without boys: A retrospective analysis of the benefits and skills gained at all-female camps. Journal of Experiential Education, 40(2) 97-113. doi: 10.1177/1053825916689266
- Garst, B., Gagnon, R., & Whittington, A. (2016). A closer look at the camp experience: Examining relationships between life and skills, elements of positive youth development, and antecedents of change among camp alumni. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 8(2), 188-189.
- Whittington, A., Aspelmeier, J., & Budbill, N. (2015). Promoting resiliency in adolescent girls through adventure programming. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Leadership, 16(1), 1-15. doi:10.1080/14729679.2015.1047872
- Garst, B.A., Baughman, S., Whittington, A., & Gagnon, R.J. (2015). Influences of resident camp experiences on career choice: A case study of female alumnae. Research in Outdoor Education, 13(1), 59-82.
- Whittington, A., Budbill, N. & Aspelmeier, J. (2013). Promoting resiliency in adolescents girls through adventure education. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 5(2), 169-172. doi: 10.7768/1948-5123.1219
- Whittington, A. & Budbill, N. (2013). Breaking the mold: Impacts of adventure education on girls. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 5(1), 37-53. doi:10.7768/1948-5123.1128.
- Whittington, A., Nixon Mack, E., Budbill, N., McKenney, P., Nixon-Mack, E. (2011). All-Girls adventure programmes: What are the benefits? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 11(1), 1-14.
- Whittington, A. (2011). Life after the river: Long-term impacts of girls’ participation in an adventure program. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 3(1), 40-52.
- Whittington, A. & Nixon Mack, E. (2010). Inspiring courage in girls through an adventure program [Special issue]. Journal of Experiential Education, 33(2), 166-180.
- Whittington, A. (2008). Book review on the handbook of experiential education. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 22(3-4), p. 68-71.
- Whittington, A. (2006). Challenging girls’ constructions of femininity in the outdoors. Journal of Experiential Education, 28(3), 205-221.
- Whittington, A. (2006). SEER 2005 abstract, Girls in the Woods: Exploring the impact of a wilderness program on adolescent girls’ construction of femininity. Journal of Experiential Education, 28(3), 285-289.
- Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
- Whittington, A., Aspelmeier, J., & Raymond, J. (February, 2024). Gender differences on the Appalachian trail. Coalition for Education in the Outdoors 16th Biennial Research Symposium.
- Whittington, A., & Raymond, J.E. (February, 2022). Motivations, personality types and fears of long-distance hikers. Coalition for Education in the Outdoors 15th Biennial Research Symposium.
- Whittington, A., Danhof, J., & Schrechkhise, E. (February, 2020). Camper outcomes: Helping girls prepare for college. 2020 American Camp Association Research Forum.
- Garst, B.A., & Whittington, A. February, 2020). An exploratory study of defining moments ofsummer camp experiences. 2020 American Camp Association Research Forum.
- Whittington, A., & Danhof, J. (February, 2018). Supporting girls’ resilience: One camp at a time. 2018 American Camp Association Research Forum.
- Whittington, A., & Danhof, J. (2017). Developing college readiness skills at camp. 2017 American Camp Association Research Forum.
- Whittington, A. & Aspelmeier, J. (2015). Measuring outcomes of girls’ participation at camp. 2015 American Camp Association Research Forum.
- Whittington, A., Aspelmeier, J. & Budbill, N. (2014). Measuring outcomes of girls’ participation: Creating statistically tested scales. Coalition for Education in the Outdoors 12th Biennial Research Symposium.
- Whittington, A., Gray, T,. & Mitten, D. (2020). (Eds.). A critical exploration of girls’ and women’s experiences in outdoor recreation, education, and leadership [Special issue]. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership.
- Whittington, A. (2018). Changing girls’ lives: One program at a time. In Gray, T. & Mitten, D. (Eds.). The Palgrave Macmillan International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning. (pp. 661-672). London, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Certified Outdoor Educator, Wilderness Education Association, 2020-
Emergency Medical Technician, State of Virginia, 2016-
Project Learning Tree Facilitator, 2015-
Master Leave No Trace Educator, 2015-
Avalanche Level 1 Training, 2015-
CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor, American Heart Association, 2013-
CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor and Trainer, National Safety Council, 2012-
Wilderness First Responder & Wilderness First Aid Instructor, Stonehearth Open Learning Opportunities, 2006-
Wilderness EMT, Stonehearth Open Learning Opportunities, 2006-
Emergency Medical Technician, National Registry of EMTs, 2006-
CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor, American Red Cross, 2005-
Maine State Guide in Recreation, Department of Inland, Fisheries and Wildlife, 2004-