Dr. Randolph Wynne
- B.S., University of North Carolina (1986); M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1993); Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1995)
310 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Applications of remote sensing to forestry, natural resource management, ecological modeling, and earth system science.
New Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Remote Sensing website
Center for Environmental Applications in Remote Sensing (CEARS) website
Interdisciplinary Graduate Education at Virginia Tech website
Author Page
- FREC 4214 Forest Photogrammetry & Spatial Data Processing
- FREC 4214 Forest Photogrammetry & Spatial Data Processing Lab
- FREC 5254 Remote Sensing of Natural Resources
- FREC 5104 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Remote Sensing and GIS
- Decision Support for Loblolly Pine Carbon Management: From Research to Operations. NASA
To evaluate, verify and validate, and benchmark solutions that integrate Earth science observations and predictions resulting from NASA research into existing forest management decision support tools. 3/15/06 to 3/14/09; Wynne, R.H., Potter, C.S., Genovese, V.B., Seiler, J.R., Fox, T.R., Amateis, R.L., Radtke, P.J., Liu, X., Sampson, D.A., Prisley, S.P., and others. NASA $1,015,675.
- Remote Sensing for Precision Silviculture - 1/1/06 to present; Wynne, R.H., Fox, T.R., Allen, F.L. Forest Nutrition Cooperative $79,691.
- StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Virginia - 4/1/04 to present; Campbell, J.B., Wynne, R.H., McGee, J.A. AmericaView Inc. (USGS) $352,500.
- Digital Soil Mapping Operational Initiative – Mojave Desert Region - 9/20/07 to 11/30/08; Galbraith, J.M, Wynne, R.H. USDA NRCS $46,589.
- Coulston, J.W., P.C. Green, P.J. Radtke, S.P. Prisley, E.B. Brooks, V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, H.E. Burkhart. 2021. Enhancing the precision of broad-scale forestland removals estimates with small area estimation techniques. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. 94(3), pp 427–441, https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpaa045.
- Sumnall, M.J., A. Trlica, D. Carter, R. Cook, M.L. Schulte, O. Campoe, R.A. Rubilar, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas. 2021. Estimating the overstory and understory vertical extents and their leaf area index in intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations using airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment. 254, pp. 112250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.112250.
- Williams, P.T., R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, and R.S. DeFries. 2021. Mapping Smallholder Forest Plantations in Andhra Pradesh, India using Multitemporal Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 S10 data. Land Degradation & Development. https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159654436.62564803.
- Derwin, J.M., V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, J.W. Coulston, G.C. Liknes, S. Bender, C.E. Blinn, E.B. Brooks, B. Ruefenacht, R.Benton, M.V. Finco, K. Megown. 2020. Estimating tree canopy cover using harmonic regression coefficients derived from multitemporal Landsat data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 86, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2019.101985.
- Blinn, C.E., M.N. House, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, T.R. Fox, and M. Sumnall. 2019. Landsat 8 Based Leaf Area Index Estimation in Loblolly Pine Plantations. Forests. 10(3), 222. https://doi.org/10.3390/f10030222.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., J.S. Kauffman, M.E. Fagan, J.W. Coulston, V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, T.R. Fox, and V.F. Quirino. 2019. Creating Landscape-Scale Site Index Maps for the Southeastern US Is Possible with Airborne LiDAR and Landsat Imagery. Forests. 10(3), 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/f10030234.
- Hoa Thi Tran, James B. Campbell, Randolph H. Wynne, Yang Shao, and Son Viet Phan. 2019. Drought and Human Impacts on Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Vietnamese Coastal Area. Remote Sensing. 11(3), 333. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11030333.
- Wulder, M.A., T.R. Loveland, D.P. Roy, C.J. Crawford, J.G. Masek, C.E. Woodcock, R.G. Allen, M.C. Anderson, A.S. Belward, W.B. Cohen, J. Dwyer, A. Erb, F. Gao, P. Griffiths, D. Helder, T. Hermosilla, J.D. Hipple, P. Hostert, M.J. Hughes, J. Huntington, D.M. Johnson, R. Kennedy, A. Kilic, Z. Li, L. Lymburner, J. McCorkel, N. Pahlevan, Theodore A. Scambos, Crystal Schaaf, John R. Schott, Y. Sheng, J. Storeya, E. Vermote, J. Vogelmann, J.C. White, R.H. Wynne, Z. Zhu. 2019. Current status of Landsat program, science, and applications. Remote Sensing of Environment. 225. pp. 127-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.02.015.
- Brooks, E.B., R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas. 2018. Using Window Regression to Gap-Fill Landsat ETM plus Post SLC-Off Data. Remote Sensing. 10(10), 1502. doi: 10.3390/rs10101502.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, J.W. Coulston, and T.R. Fox. 2018. Shrub detection using disparate airborne laser scanning acquisitions over varied forest cover types. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 39. 1220-1242. 10.1080/01431161.2017.1399476.
- House, M.N. and R.H. Wynne. 2018. Identifying forest impacted by development in the Commonwealth of Virginia through the use of Landsat and know change indicators. Remote Sensing. 10(1), 135. doi: 10.3390/rs10010135.
- Saxena, R., L.T. Watson, R.H. Wynne, E.B. Brooks, V.A. Thomas, Z.Q. Yang, R.E. Kennedy. 2018. Towards a polyalgorithm for land use change detection. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 144. 217-234. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.07.002.
- Thomas, R.Q., A.L. Jersild, E.B. Brooks, V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne. 2018. A mid-century ecological forecast with partitioned uncertainty predicts increases in loblolly pine forest productivity. Ecological Applications. 28(6):1503-1519. doi: 10.1002/eap.1761.
- Brooks, E., Z. Yang, V.A. Thomas, and R.H. Wynne. 2017. Edyn: Dynamic Signaling of Changes to Forests Using Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Charts. Forests. 8. 304. 10.3390/f8090304.
- Kokkinidis, I., S. Hodges, and R.H. Wynne. 2017. Thematic Accuracy of Agriculture in Land Cover Layers of Select Virginia Counties. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 83. 679-692. 10.14358/PERS.83.10.679.
- Sumnall, M., T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas. 2017. Mapping the height and spatial cover of features beneath the forest canopy at small-scales using airborne scanning discrete return Lidar. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 133. 186-200. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2017.10.002.
- Thomas, R.Q., E.B. Brooks, A.L. Jersild, E.J. Ward, R.H. Wynne, T. Albaugh, H. Dinon-Aldridge, H.E. Burkhart, J.C. Domec, T.R. Fox, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, T. Martin, A. Noormets, D. Sampson, and R. Teskey. 2017. Leveraging 35 years of Pinus taeda research in the southeastern US to constrain forest carbon cycle predictions: Regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiments. Biogeosciences. 14. 3525-3547. 10.5194/bg-14-3525-2017.
- Thomas, R.Q., E. Brooks, A. Jersild, E. Ward, R.H. Wynne, T. Albaugh, H.A. Dinon, H.E. Burkhart, J.C. Domec, T.R. Fox, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, T. Martin, A. Noormets, D. Sampson, and R.O. Teskey. 2017. Leveraging 35 years of forest research in the southeastern U.S. to constrain carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiment. Biogeosciences Discussions. 1-57. 10.5194/bg-2017-46.
- Yang, Y., M. Anderson, F. Gao, C. Hain, K.A. Semmens, W.P. Kustas, A. Noormets, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, and G. Sun. 2017. Daily Landsat-scale evapotranspiration estimation over a forested landscape in North Carolina, USA, using multi-satellite data fusion. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 21. 1017-1037. 10.5194/hess-21-1017-2017.
- Coulston, J.W., C. Blinn, V.A. Thomas, and R.H. Wynne. 2016. Approximating Prediction Uncertainty for Random Forest Regression Models. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 82. 189-197. 10.14358/PERS.82.3.189.
- Schott, J.R., A. Gerace, C. Woodcock, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, R.H. Wynne, and C. Blinn. 2016. The impact of improved signal-to-noise ratios on algorithm performance: Case studies for Landsat class instruments. Remote Sensing of Environment. 185. 10.1016/j.rse.2016.04.015.
- Sumnall, M. A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas. 2016. Analysis of a lidar voxel-derived vertical profile at the plot and individual tree scales for the estimation of forest canopy layer characteristics. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37. 2653-2681. 10.1080/01431161.2016.1183833.
- Sumnall, M., A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, and B. Cook. 2016. Assessing the transferability of statistical predictive models for leaf area index between two airborne discrete return LiDAR sensor designs within multiple intensely managed Loblolly pine forest locations in the south-eastern USA. Remote Sensing of Environment. 176. 308-319. 10.1016/j.rse.2016.02.012.
- Sumnall, M.J., T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, C. Blinn, and V.A. Thomas. 2016. Estimating leaf area index at multiple heights within the understorey component of Loblolly pine forests from airborne discrete-return lidar. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(1):78-99. Doi: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1117683.
- Blinn, C.E., R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, T.R. Fox and M. Sumnall. In review. Landsat 8 based leaf area index estimation in loblolly pine plantations. Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Coulston, J.W., C.E. Blinn, V.A. Thomas and R.H. Wynne. In review. Approximating prediction uncertainty for random forest models. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing.
- Schott, J., A. Gerace, C.E. Woodcock, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, R.H. Wynne and C.E. Blinn. In review. The impact of improved signal to noise ratios on algorithm performance: Case studies for Landsat class instruments. Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Hwang, W.H., P.E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas, 2015 (in press). Tree Planting Configuration Influences Shade on Residential Structures in Four U.S. Cities, in press with Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
- Hwang, W.H., P.E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas, 2015 (in press). Tree Planting Configuration Influences Shade on Residential Structures in Four U.S. Cities, in press with Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
- Banskota, A., S.P. Serbin, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, M.J. Falkowski, N. Kayastha, J.P. Gastellu-Etchegorry, and P.A. Townsend, 2015. A LUT-Based Inversion of DART model to Estimate Forest LAI from Hyperspectral Data. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations in Remote Sensing.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., V.A. Thomas, J.W. Coulston, R.H. Wynne. 2015. Prediction of Canopy Heights over a Large Region Using Heterogeneous Lidar Datasets: Efficacy and Challenges. Remote Sensing, 7(9):11036-11060. DOI: 10.3390/rs70911036.
- Li, J., C.E. Zipper, S. Li, P.F. Donovan, R.H. Wynne, and A.J. Oliphant. 2015. Character analysis of mining disturbance and reclamation trajectory in surface coal-mine area by time-series NDVI. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 31(16):251-257. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.16.033.
- Parece, T. E., J. McGee, J. B. Campbell, R. H. Wynne. 2015. Virginia’s efforts to expand learning geospatial technologies across the educational spectrum. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 81:3, 177-185.
- Subedi, S., T.R. Fox, and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Determination of Fertility Rating (FR) in the 3-PG Model for Loblolly Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States Based on Site Index. Forests, 6(9):3002-3027. DOI: 10.3390/f6093002.
- Walker, J.J., K. de Beurs, and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Phenological Response of an Arizona Dryland Forest to Short-Term Climatic Extremes. Remote Sensing, 7(8):10832-10855. DOI: 10.3390/rs70810832.
- Yu , L., S. B. Ball, C. E. Blinn, K. Moeltner, S. Peery, V.A. Thomas, R. H. Wynne. 2015. Cloud-Sourcing: Using an Online Labor Force to Detect Clouds and Cloud Shadows in Landsat Images. Remote Sensing, 7(3), 2334-2351.
- Phillips, R. D., Watson, L. T., Easterling, D. R., Wynne, R. H. 2014. An SMP soft classification algorithm for remote sensing. Computers & Geosciences Vol. 68, pp. 73-80. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.03.010.
- Brooks, E. B., Wynne, R. H., Thomas, V. A., Blinn, C. E., Coulston, J. W. 2014. On-the-Fly Massively Multitemporal Change Detection Using Statistical Quality Control Charts and Landsat Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52(6), pp. 3316-3332. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2272545.
- Walker, J. J., de Beurs, K. M., Wynne, R. H. 2014. Dryland vegetation phenology across an elevation gradient in Arizona, USA, investigated with fused MODIS and Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment 97(2), pp. 85-97. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2014.01.007.
- Phillips, R. D., Hossain, M. S., Watson, L. T., Wynne, R. H., Ramakrishnan, N. 2014. Enrichment Procedures for Soft Clusters: A Statistical Test and its Applications. 2014. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 97(2), pp. 175-197. doi:10.3970/cmes.2014.097.175.
- Roy, D. P., Wulder, M. A., Loveland, T. R., Woodcock, C. E., Allen, R. G., Anderson, M. C., Helder, D., Irons, J. R., Johnson, D. M., Kennedy, R., Scambos, T. A., Schaaf, C.B., Schott, J. R., Sheng, Y., Vermote, E. F., Belward, A. S., Bindschadler, R., Cohen, W. B., Hipple, J. D., Hostert, P., Huntington, J., Justice, C. O. , Kilic, A., Kovalskyy, V., Lee. Z. P., Lymburner, L., Masek, J. G., McCorkel, J., Shuai, Y., Trezza, R., Vogelmann, J., Wynne, R. H., Zhu, Z. 2014. Landsat-8: Science and product vision for terrestrial global change research. Remote Sensing of Environment Vol. 145, pp. 154-172. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2014.02.001.
- Banskota, A., Wynne, R. H., Thomas, V. A., Serbin, S. P., Kayastha, N., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., & Townsend, P. A. 2013. Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inverting a 3-D Radiative Transfer Model Using Hyperspectral Data to Retrieve Forest LAI. Remote Sensing 5(6), 2639-2659. doi: 10.3390/rs5062639.
- Banskota, A., Wynne, R. H., Serbin, S. P., Kayastha, N., Thomas, V. A., Townsend, P. A. 2013. Utility of the Wavelet Transform for LAI Estimation Using Hyperspectral Data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 79(7), pp. 653-662.
- Blinn, C. E., Browder, J. O., Pedlowski, M. A., Wynne, R. H. 2013. Rebuilding the Brazilian rainforest: Agroforesry strategies for secondary forest succession. Applied Geography Vol. 43, pp. 171-181. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.06.013.
- Huang, H. G., Wynne, R. H. 2013. Simulation of lidar waveforms with a time-dependent radiosity algorithm. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 39, pp. S126-S138. doi: 10.5559/m13-035.
- Zheng, B. J., Campbell, J. B., Shao, Y., Wynne, R. H. 2013. Broad-Scale Monitoring of Tillage Practices Using Sequential Landsat Imagery. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77(5), pp. 1755-1764. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2013.03.0108.
- Brooks, E. B., Thomas, V. A., Wynne, R. H., & Coulston, J. W. 2012. Fitting the Multitemporal Curve: A Fourier Series Approach to the Missing Data Problem in Remote Sensing Analysis. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(9), 3340-3353. doi: 10.1109/tgrs.2012.2183137.
- Gibson, G.R., J. B. Campbell, and R. H. Wynne. 2012. Three Decades of War and Food Insecurity in Iraq. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. Vol. 78, pp. 885-895.
- McGee, J. A., S. D. Day; R. H. Wynne, B. M. White. 2012. Using geospatial tools to assess the urban tree canopy: Decision support for local governments. Journal of Forestry 110 (5): 275-286.
- Peduzzi, A., R. H. Wynne, V. A. Thomas, R. F. Nelson, J. J. Reis, M. Sanford. 2012. Combined use of airborne Lidar and DBInSAR data to estimate LAI in temperate mixed forests. Remote Sensing 4 (6): 1758-1780.
Textbooks Authored
Campbell, J. B. and R. H. Wynne. 2011. Introduction to Remote Sensing. New York: Guilford Press.
Wynne, R. H. and S. A. Sader. 2006. Remote Sensing for Forest Monitoring and Management. Institute for Advanced Education in Geospatial Sciences (IAEGS).
Book Chapters
Olsson, H. and R. H. Wynne. 2006. Forestry. Section 7.3 of International Academy of Astronautics Position Paper on Cost Effective Earth Observation Missions (R. Sandau, editor), pp. 73-76.
Wynne, R. H., M. S. M. Touré, N. Sengupta, and A. Ballo. 2005. Land use changes in the Madiama Commune. Conflict, Social Capital, and Managing Natural Resources (K.M. Moore, editor), CAB International, pp. 71-75.
Wynne, R. H. 2004. Forest mensuration with remote sensing: A retrospective and a vision for the future. Southern Forest Science: Past, Present, and Future. U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 109-116.
- NASA New Investigator, 2001
- Third place in Geospatial Solutions Fourth Annual Applications Contest, 2003
- Course Creation Fellow (with co-author Steven Sader) for Forest Monitoring and Management course, Institute for Advanced Education in Geospatial Sciences, 2003-2006.
- First Honorable Mention for the 2005 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Talbert Abrams Award for best 2004 article in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
- Second Place, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Leica Geosystems Award for Best Scientific Paper in Remote Sensing in 2006.