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Current graduate students

Working toward advanced degrees from FREC

Shane Allen

Shane Allen
Shane Allen
M.S. advisor: Carrie Fearer
Areas of Interest: Forest entomology, forest pathology, biological control, plant-microbe interactions, Plant pest/pathogen diagnostics, mycology

Sonia Banjade

Sonia Banjade
Sonia Sharma Banjade
Ph.D. advisors:
Valerie Thomas and Randy Wynne
Areas of Interest: Remote sensing and GIS, natural resource management, forestry and ecological modeling, quantitative analysis

Gunjan Barua

Gunjan Barua
Gunjan Barua
Ph.D. advisors: Valerie Thomas and David Carter
Areas of Interest: Geospatial data science, LiDAR, remote sensing, AI & machine learning, growth and yield modeling

Maia Caddle

Maia Caddle
Maia Caddle
M.S. advisor: Marc Stern
Areas of Interest: Human dimensions, environmental and cultural interpretation, and science communication

Ryan Chewning

Ryan Chewning
Ryan Chewning
M.S. advisor: Michael Berry
Areas of Interest: Forest productivity, sustainable harvesting, and disturbance impacts

Emma Clark

Emma Clark
Emmaline Clark
M.F. advisor: Scott Barrett
Areas of Interest: Implementation of sustainable forestry best management practices and the impacts of forest operations on water quality

Clay Coleman

Clay Coleman
Clay Coleman
M.F. advisor: Adam Coates
Areas of Interest: Silviculture, wildland fire ecology, climate change, forest growth dynamics

Paige Crane

Paige Crane
Paige Crane
M.S. advisor: Marc Stern
Areas of Interest: Environmental education, outdoor education, and positive youth development

Dan Cross

Dan Cross
Daniel Cross
Ph.D. advisor: Randy Wynne
Areas of Interest: Geospatial science, remote sensing, uncrewed vehicles, and natural resource management

Julie Defoe

Julia Defoe
Julia DeFeo
Ph.D. advisors: David Carter and Adam Coates
Areas of Interest: fire ecology, silviculture, restoration ecology, remote sensing, and fuels management

Poulomi Dey

Poulami Dey
Poulomi Dey
Ph.D. advisor: Brian Strahm
Areas of Interest: Soil Biogeochemistry, Soil Carbon pool

Daniel Donahoe

Daniel Bonahoe
Daniel Donahoe
Ph.D. advisor: Valerie Thomas
Areas of Interest: GIS and remote sensing, landscape ecology, image processing/raster data analysis, terrain and land cover metrics
David Enemo
Ph.D. advisor: Brian Strahm
Areas of Interest: Soil biogeochemistry, nutrient cycling and management, forest productivity and management, global change Impacts on soils.

Lindsey Finks

Lindsey Finks
Lindsey Finks
M.S. advisors: Brian Strahm and Daniel McLaughlin
Areas of Interest: Carbon-water dynamics, ecohydrology, remote sensing, data science

Castano Franco

Castano Franco
Caetano Franco
Ph.D. advisor: Mike Sorice
Areas of Interest: Sustainable development; human behavior; conservation and protected Areas; territorial planning and management; cross-scale governance; indigenous people and local communities

Ethan Frye

Ethan Frye
Ethan Frye
M.S. advisor: Carolyn Copenheaver
Areas of Interest: Ecological restoration, forest ecology, sustainability, and biodiversity conservation

Haley Glauber

Haley Glauber
Haley Glauber
M.S. advisor: Daniel McLaughlin
Areas of Interest: Wetlands, hydrology

Calem Harmon

Caleb Harmon
Caleb Harmon
M.S. advisor: Randy Wynne
Area of Interest: Remote sensing in forestry

Hope Harvey

Hope Harvey-Marose
Hope Harvey-Marose
Ph.D. advisor: Adam Coates
Area of Interest: Wildfire ecology

Austin Holloway

Austin Holloway
Austin Holloway
M.S. advisor: John Seiler
Areas of Interest: Forest management for wildlife, private landowner education, and hardwood forest management

Daniel Hong

Daniel Hong
Daniel S. Hong
Ph.D advisors: David Carter and Brian Strahm
Areas of Interest: Biogeochemistry, nutrient dynamics, and forest ecology

Jackson Horton

Jackson Horton
Jackson Horton
M.S. advisor: Corey Green
Areas of Interest: Forest operations/inventory and forest biometrics

Tanner Humbert

Tanner Humbert
Tanner R. Humbert
M.S. advisor: Mark Ford
Areas of Interest: Applied forest ecology, ecological silviculture, plant and animal community ecology and management, and wildlife habitat ecology and management

Sarah Juster

Sarah Juster
Sarah Juster
Ph.D. advisor: John Munsell
Areas of Interest: Agroforestry; forestry in humanitarian settings; participatory mapping

Sebastian Koch

Sebastian Mocz
Sebastian Kocz
M.S. advisor: Amy Brunner
Area of Interest: Chestnut genetics

Brenna Kurtz

Brenna Kurtz
Brenna Kurtz
M.S. advisor: John Seiler
Areas of Interest: Dendrology, ecophysiology, and restoration ecology
Mary Grace Larson
M.S. advisor: Mark Stern
Areas of Interest: Environmental interpretation, climate change communication, social science of environmental conservation and natural resource management

Daria Maslyukova

Daria Maslyukova
Daria Maslyukova
Ph.D. advisor: Adam Coates
Areas of Interest: Ecological forest management, fire ecology

Abi McKellips

Abi McKellips
Abigail McKellips
Ph.D. advisors: Corey Green and David Carter
Areas of Interest: Red spruce restoration, habitat connectivity, landscape scale modeling, and ecological restoration

Harrison Miles

Harrison Miles
Harrison Miles
Ph.D. advisor: Carrie Fearer
Areas of Interest: Forest health, invasive species, microbial ecology, human dimensions

Snehai More

Snehai More
Snehal More
Ph.D. advisor: Randy Wynne

John Morgan

John Morgan
John Morgan
Ph.D. advisors: J.P. Gannon and Kevin McGuire
Areas of Interest: Catchment hydrology, non-perennial streams, headwater streams, and how geology and topography control where streams flow

Tam Ogana

Tam Ogana
Temitope Ogana
Ph.D. advisor: Scott Barrett
Areas of Interest: Forest operations, forest business analysis, timberland investment

William Parrott

William Parrott
William Parrott
M.S. advisor: Carrie Fearer
Areas of Interest:  Proactive forest health management, forest ecology, forest pests, and NIR spectroscopy

Kalani Perera

Kelani Parara
Kalani Perera
Ph.D. advisor: Stella Schons
Areas of Interest: Natural resource and environmental economics, timberland investment, forest law and policy

Tommy Phannareth

Tommy Phannareth
Tommy Phannareth
Ph.D. advisor: Jason Holliday
Areas of Interest: Population Genetics, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning

William Poncy

William Poncy
William Poncy
M.S. advisors: Valerie Thomas an Randy Wynne

Ben Protozoan

Ben Protzman
Benjamin Protzman
Ph.D. advisor: Corey Green
Areas of Interest: Forest modeling, silviculture, data-driven forest management

Daniel Putman

Daniel Putman
Daniel Putman
Ph.D. advisors:
Valerie Thomas and Randy Wynne
Areas of Interest: Remote sensing, forest disturbance, landscape ecology, machine learning, and invasive species

Ani Rai

Ani Rai
Ani Rai
Ph.D. advisor: Mike Sorice
Areas of Interest: Interdisciplinary resilience, adaptive natural resource management, diverse knowledge integration through multiple stakeholder engagement, collaborative governance, facilitation, participatory methods, science communication

Nitant Rai

Nitant Rai
Nitant Rai
Ph.D. advisor: Corey Green
Areas of Interest: Forest biometrics, machine learning, GIS and Remote sensing applications in natural resources, and UAVs

Alison Ritz

Alison Ritz
Alison Ritz
Ph.D. advisors:
Valerie Thomas and Randy Wynne
Areas of Interest: Remote sensing, forest monitoring, GIS, and pine plantation management

Aakriti Sapkota

Aakriti Sapkota
Aakriti Sapkota
Ph.D. advisor: Phil Radtke
Areas of Interest: Forest biometrics, small area estimation, remote sensing, geospatial modeling

Abby Spotswood

Abby Spotswood
Abby Spotswood
M.S. advisors: Brian Strahm and Angela Possinger
Areas of Interest: Soil biogeochemistry, soil organic matter, nutrient cycling
Sujan Subedi
Ph.D. advisor: Corey Green
Areas of Interest: Forest biometrics, forest inventory and modeling, machine learning in forestry, forest resource management

Caroline Vickery

Caroline Vickery
Caroline Vickery
M.S. advisor: Brian Strahm
Areas of Interest: Soils, carbon storage, and nature-based solutions to climate change

Jennifer Webber

Jennifer Weber
Jennifer Weber
Ph.D. advisor: Adam Coates
Areas of Interest: Native pollinator ecology, insect conservation, fire ecology, disturbance ecology, military lands

Sunny Wolsiffer

Sunny Wolsiffer
Sarah "Sunny" Wolsiffer
M.S. advisor: Adam Coates
Areas of Interest: Fire ecology, forest health, and wildfire risk management