Fall 2022 Newsletter
WE ARE PROFOUNDLY SADDENED THIS FALL BY THE LOSS OF TWO of our FREC giants, Drs. Harold Burkhart and Greg Buhyoff. Harold was still busily at work in FREC, and Greg was enjoying retirement with his family in the beautiful state of Maine. Much has been said and will continue to be recounted of their lives and accomplishments, and I hope that you will take the time to consider their stories (story and link in this issue). In reflecting on their lives, it is easy to focus on the gaping holes left by the losses, and it is absolutely right to remember, to wonder at all they packed into their careers and lives, to tell our own stories of experiences with them, and to miss them. At the same time, I don’t have to tell you that both of them left enormous legacies that we all share in some way. They explored and pioneered so much for us. They educated, mentored, and befriended so many of us. They labored and advocated for a program that trained, established, and sustained us. They shared their time and wisdom so generously with us. They fostered a culture of humble and collaborative excellence. They included us and they spread that culture across the nation and the globe in our field. No doubt we will remember them in the days, weeks, and hopefully years to come, but I think we can honor them and their memories above all by looking forward to and embracing the people, the opportunities, and the challenges that lie ahead for us, and that will give us the chance to continue in some way to build on the legacy and culture that Greg Buhyoff and Harold Burkhart have left for us.
As always, thank you for your support and friendship!

Dr. Greg Buhyoff (Copyright: Matt Buhyoff, 2022 from website)
Dr. Greg Buhyoff, retired FREC Emeritus Faculty and Julian N. Cheatham Professor of Forestry, passed away on October 30. He was 74 years old, and his son and grandson were by his side when he passed.
Below is the first sentence from a memorial website that was published by Greg's son, Matt Buhyoff, with a link to the site. Our condolences to the Buhyoff family.
My Pop, Gregory James Buhyoff, was born on September 22, 1948 in Detroit, Michigan. He grew up in a working class corner of Dearborn, a suburb adjacent to Detroit and home to the Ford Motor Company. Visit the website.
Highlights: teaching, research, and extension
Article Item
Spotlight: faculty, staff, and students
Article ItemVirginia Generation NEXT - Family Forest Education Award , article
Generation NEXT project won the national Family Forest Education Award for an Individual Program in 2022. The award is jointly presented by the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP) and the National Woodland Owners Association (NWOA). The award was announced at the recent Society of American Foresters meeting in Baltimore.
Article ItemStern receives prestigious international award for research on environmental education , article
Drs. Marc J. Stern and Robert Powell received a prestigious international award for research on environmental education. They were presented the North American Association for Environmental Education’s Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education Award at this year’s annual conference in Tuscon, AZ.
Alumni News
Career change leads to fun times making wine for alumni couple

Career change leads to fun times making wine for alumni couple
Additional alumni news
Article ItemAlumni spotlight: Joe Ferguson ’77 spends a career training wildland firefighters , article
Joe Ferguson retired from the U.S. Forest Service in 2008, after serving 32 years in roles including incident commander of the Atlanta-based National Incident Management Team, assistant director of fire and aviation for the U.S. Forest Service’s southern region, fire staff officer for the National Forests in Florida, and founding director of NIPFTC.
How to donate
Gifts from our clients and friends have a direct impact on the quality of learning, discovery, and engagement programs that the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation offers. We invite you to become part of our team! To make a tax-deductible contribution, visit cnre.vt.edu/give or send your check, payable to the Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc., to: Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, 313 Cheatham Hall (0324), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
For further information on memorial giving, endowed professorships, gifts of securities, planned or deferred giving opportunities, or other contributions, please contact the CNRE Advancement Officer, 540-231-5525, or send an e-mail to CNREAdvancement@vt.edu.
Sections in this newsletter
- Featured stories
- From the Department Head
- Passing of Dr. Greg Buhyoff
- Highlights: teaching, research, extension
- Spotlight: faculty, staff, and students
- Alumni news
- How to donate
Newsletter designer and coordinator: Tracey Sherman
Newsletter editor: Kathryn Hollandsworth
Newsletter photos and core stories: FREC faculty and CNRE / VT / Public news releases
Please send information for future issues to tracey@vt.edu