FWS Series Publications
Lundgren, A.L. and E.F. Thompson (Eds.). 1972. Uncertainty in Forest Investment Decisions Regarding Timber Growing. FWS-1-72.
Burkhart, H.E., R.C. Parker, M.R. Strub and R.G. Oderwald. 1972. Yields of Old-field Loblolly Pine Plantations. FWS-3-72.
Thompson, E.F., M.E. Shores and A.D. Sullivan. 1973. Cost of Establishing Loblolly Pine Plantations in Virginia: Methodology and Estimates. FWS-1-73.
Guynn, D.C. and A.D. Sullivan. 1973. The Wildlife Management Planning Game: Instructions to Participants. FWS-2-73.
- Sullivan, A.D. and D.C. Guynn. 1973. The Wildlife Management Planning Game: Administrative Manual. FWS-3-73.
- Thompson, E.F., R.C. Mantie, A.D. Sullivan and H.E. Burkhart. 1973. Economic Guidelines for Loblolly Pine Management in Virginia. FWS-4-73.
- Leuschner, W. A., D. L. Groves, W. T. Bolger and G. L. Stokes. 1974. 1972 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Inventory. FWS-1-74a.
- Leuschner, W.A. and W.A. Sellers. 1975. The Economics of Producing and Marketing Christmas Trees on Small Plantations in Virginia. FWS-1-7.
Clark, R.F., Jr. and R.T. Lackey. 1975. Computer-Implemented Simulation as a Planning Aid for State Fisheries Management Agencies. FWS-3-75.
Lackey, R.T. 1975. Recreational Fisheries Management and Ecosystem Modeling. FWS-4-75.
Daniels, R.F. and H.E. Burkhart. 1975. Simulation of Individual Tree Growth and Stand Development in Managed Loblolly Pine Plantations. FWS-5-75.
Burkhart, H.E., W.A. Leuschner, R.D. Stuck, J.R. Porter and M.R. Reynolds. 1976. Aids for Unit Planning on the Appalachian National Forests. FWS-1-76.
Jester, D.B., Jr., D.L. Garling, Jr., A.R. Tipton and R.T. Lackey. 1977. A General Population Dynamics Theory for Largemouth Bass. FWS-1-77.
Fries, J., H.E. Burkhart and T.A. Max (Eds.). 1978. Growth Models for Long Term Forecasting of Timber Yields. FWS-1-78.
Haney, H.L., Jr. and J.E. Gunter (Eds.). 1978. Proceedings of the Forest Taxation Symposium. FWS-2-78.
Wisdom, H.W. and T.G. Hudspeth. 1978. Virginia's Forest Products Industry. FWS-3-78a.
Roggenbuck, J.W. 1978. 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Demand Survey. FWS-3-78b.
Roggenbuck, J.W. 1978. 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment. FWS-4-78.
Spittle, G.D., G.J. Buhyoff, J.R. Davey, Jr. and R.L. McElwee. 1978. 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Inventory. (revised from FWS-1-74) FWS-5-78.
Daniels, R.F., H.E. Burkhart, G.D. Spittle and G.L. Somers. 1979. Methods for Modeling Individual Tree Growth and Stand Development in Seeded Loblolly Pine Stands. FWS-1-79.
Maine, J.D., W.A. Leuschner and A.R. Tipton. 1980. A Qualitative Analysis of the Southern Pine Beetle's Wildlife Impact. FWS-1-80.
Feret, P.P. and T.L. Sharik. 1980. Dendrology in the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome. FWS-2-80.
Oderwald, R.G. and D.A. Yaussy. 1980. Main Stem Green and Dry Weights of Red Oak, White Oak, and Maple in the Appalachian Region of Virginia. FWS-3-80.
Martin, W.L., T.L. Sharik, R.G. Oderwald and D.Wm. Smith. 1980. Evaluation of Ranked Set Sampling for Estimating Shrub Phytomass in Appalachian Oak Forests. FWS-4-80.
Vodak, M.C., W.A. Leuschner and D.I. Navon. 1981. Symposium on Forest Management Planning: Present Practice and Future Decisions. FWS-1-81.
Burkhart, H.E., Q.V. Cao and K.D. Ware. 1981. A Comparison of Growth and Yield Prediction Models for Loblolly Pine. FWS-2-81.
Martin, W.L., Sharik, T.L., Oderwald, R.G. and D.Wm. Smith. 1981. Equations for Estimating Above-Ground Phytomass in the Understory of Appalachian Oak Forests. FWS-3-81.
Cao, Q.V., H.E. Burkhart and R.C. Lemin, Jr. 1982. Diameter Distributions and Yields of Thinned Loblolly Pine Plantations. FWS-1-82.
Merkle, S.A., P.P. Feret, D.L. Bramlett, and D.L. Queijo. 1982. A Computer Program Package for Use with the Southern Pine Seed Orchard Inventory-Monitoring System. FWS-2-82.
Zutter, B.R., R.G. Oderwald, R.B. Farrar, Jr., and P.A. Murphy. 1982. WEIBUL: A Program to Estimate Parameters of Forms of the Weibull Distribution using Complete, Censored, and Truncated Data. FWS-3-82.
Haney, H.L. Jr. and W.C. Siegel (Eds.). 1982. Proceedings of the Forest Taxation Symposium, II. (SAF #82-08). FWS-4-82.
McElwee, R. and O.F. Hall. 1982. Cultural, Management and Economic Research Needed to Assist the Non-industrial Private Forest Landowner in the Southeasten U.S. - A Problem Analysis. FWS-5-82.
Johnson, J., D.L. Branlett, R.M. Burns, T.A. Dierauf, S.E. McDonald and J.M. Stone. 1982. Pine Seedling Production in the South: A Problem Analysis. FWS-6-82.
Kluender, R.A., T.W. Reisinger, K.D. Farrar, and W.B. Stuart. 1982. An Analysis of Several Alternatives to Oil as an Industrial Fuel. FWS-7-82.
Burk, T.E. and H.E. Burkhart. 1984. Diameter Distributions and Yields of Natural Stands of Loblolly Pine. FWS-1-84.
Amateis, R.L., H.E. Burkhart, B.R. Knoebel and P.T. Sprinz. 1984. Yields and size class distributions for unthinned loblolly pine plantations on cutover site-prepared lands. FWS-2-84.
Burkhart, H.E. and P.T. Sprinz. 1984. A model for assessing hardwood competition effects on yields of loblolly pine plantations. FWS-3-84.
Vodak, M.C., W.A. Leuschner and A.E. Watson. 1984. Growing and Marketing Christmas Trees in Virginia. FWS-4-84.
Harrison, W.C., H.E. Burkhart, T.E. Burk and D.E. Beck. 1986. Growth and yield of Appalachian mixed hardwoods after thinning. FWS-1-86.
Burkhart, H.E., K.D. Farrar, R.L. Amateis and R.F. Daniels. 1987. Simulation of individual tree growth and stand development in loblolly pine plantations on cutover, site-prepared areas. FWS-1-87.
Smith, W.H., T.G. Siccama and S.L. Clark. 1987. Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and forest health: an overview and a ten-year budget for the input/output of seven heavy metals to a northern hardwood forest. (FWS-8702) FWS-2-87.
Burkhart, H.E., H.M. Rauscher and K. Johann (Eds.). 1989. Artificial intelligence and growth models for forest management decisions. Proceedings of IUFRO S4.01 and S6.02 held in Vienna, Austria, Sept. 18-22, 1989. FWS-1-89.
Schmid-Haas, P. 1990. European forest decline problems in assessing and monitoring health. FWS-1-90.
Burkhart, H.E. (Ed.). 1990. Research in forest mensuration, growth and yield. Proceedings of IUFRO S4.01 held in Montreal, Canada, August 5-11, 1990. FWS-2-90.
Burkhart, H.E., G.M. Bonnor and J.L. Lowe (Eds.). 1990. Research in forest inventory, monitoring, growth and yield. Proceedings from Sessions S4.02 held in Montreal, Canada, August 5-11, 1990. FWS-3-90.
Klemperer, W.D. 1991. Proceedings of the S4.03 Meetings on Forestry Management Planning and Managerial Economics. Proceedings from the 19th IUFRO World Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 5-11, 1990. FWS-1-91.
Burkhart, H.E., T.G. Gregoire, and J.L. Smith (Eds.). 1993. Modelling Stand Response to Silvicultural Practices. Proceedings of the IUFRO S4.01 Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 27-October 1, 1993. FWS-1-93.